Tuesday, February 5, 2008


i have recently signed up for facebook. i don't really get it, but a lot of my friends are starting to defect to it from myspace. it seems a lot more complicated than myspace, and also a little more annoying (people poke you, feed you turkey, throw shit at you, etc). but the one redeeming factor that might get me to switch over all together is SCRABULOUS! it's a feature you can add on facebook where you can play scrabble with people! myspace doesn't have anything like that!

right now i'm at home working on an LAR (DHS people know what that is, for non-DHS folks it's a ridiculously long document that you create by basically going through an entire case file and re-writing everything in it onto a form that the department of justice uses in trial to help you terminate someone's parental rights. it takes about a million years to finish), and i'm obsessively playing online scrabble with strangers to distract myself from the fact that it's 9:30 and i really just want to be drinking wine and watching tv.

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