Tuesday, June 19, 2007

city in the country

i love it that you can go from (albeit small-townish but definitely not without culture) city to full on, outdoorsy, llamas-and-sheep country in just seconds here. there are no miles and miles of freeway through acres and acres of strip-mall suburb. (well, except for springfield, but that's only in one direction... but anyway...) last sunday matt and i got up, made breakfast, loaded otis in the car, and drive for no more than 20 minutes to get here:

(yes, i finally learned how to upload photos onto my blog. i know, a monkey could have figured it out, blah blah... :) ) this is at the base of spencer's butte, which is just south of eugene and an absolutely gorgeous hike. i was going to post some of the pictures that i took once we got to the top, but for some reason i can't make those ones upload--i think because i used the "panorama" feature on my camera and my computer doesn't know how to translate that, and i don't have a monkey around to help me figure it out--but take my word for it, it was breathtaking. the last quarter-mile or so is pretty much just climbing up rocks to get to the top. aside from the spectacular view, what impressed me was that otis is a) extremely agile and adept at scrambling up rocks, and kind of reminded me of gollum from lord of the rings and b) very tuned-in to his people, and could recognize that matt and i were not so agile and therefore was careful not to pull us up or down the rocks but instead waited patiently for whoever was walking him to find their footing before making the next scramble.


Rosanne said...

Hi Marissa! Just wanted to say hi on the old glob. I mean "blog". I was bagging on blogs before I read yours and I have to say, it is short, sweet, and interesting! You should tool on down to Cottage Grove and pack a lunch, head to Dorena Lake, and take in the scenery! Did you know that the image from the cover of Stand By Me is Dorena Lake? See you soon!


marissa said...

hi rosanne :) i'm glad you're on the blog now. pretty soon you'll have your own blog? ;)
would cottage grove be a do-able bike ride?

Anonymous said...

Hey!! Great pic!! I am jealous. I can "hike" near me, but not like that. If I ever had a blog, it would not be very interesting...pics of my backyard I am trying to redo...news about the day I spent in front of my computer... oh, and a few tidbits about the wild and scary wetland I had to call through with a machete, pink marking flags, and a shovel, in which I scraped up my arms and legs...Anyway, I look forward to visitng you Marissa, nutria, hikes and all. : )